Gleason Store Clerk Cited for Selling Alcohol to Minor


GLEASON (March 12) - A Gleason store clerk was cited for selling alcohol to a minor during an undercover compliance check by the Gleason Police Department.

Assistant Chief Brian Legons says the department, along with the Weakley County Prevention Coalition performed the compliance check Friday, March 12, to make sure local alcohol permit holders are complying with state and local laws and city ordinances.

During the compliance check, a 16-year-old went into the Little General on North Cedar Street and was able to purchase an alcoholic beverage.

Officers then went inside the store and issued the clerk a citation for underage sale to a minor.

That same evening, officers and the undercover student went to the Dollar General on Highway 22 in Gleason, but the student was denied the sale of alcohol when the clerk checked his ID.

Legons says the Gleason Beer Board will meet to discuss further action on the non-compliant store.