Vantrease Named to TSBA 2021 Board of Directors


Steve Vantrease


Weakley County Schools Communications Director

WEAKLEY COUNTY (February 3) - Weakley County Schools Board Chair Steve Vantrease was recently named to the Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) Board of Directors for 2021. The 18-member board carries out the mandates of the Delegate Assembly and act as a liaison between the Association and local school boards.

Vantrease has served on the Board of Education for Weakley County Schools for 20 years. Retired from 34 years in student services at the University of Tennessee at Martin, he continues to work as the assistant director of UT Martin’s Governor’s School for the Humanities and is also the director of the Ned Ray McWherter Institute. He obtained both a Bachelor of Science in business administration and a Master of Science in education administration at UTM and is a graduate of the WestStar Leadership program and the UT Leadership Institute.

“While I was surprised with the appointment, I am honored to have been asked to serve our professional organization in this position,” said Vantrease. “Several of my Weakley County colleagues have served in various leadership roles over the past several decades engaging, at the state level, in the administration of public education in Tennessee. I am honored to be able to continue this advocacy and will do my best to support and promote the best in public education,” he added.

WCS Director Randy Frazier notes that TSBA is a statewide, nonprofit organization of school boards throughout Tennessee and Vantrease’s new role will help bring the needs of rural areas to the forefront of discussions.

“I’ve served alongside Steve Vantrease throughout my tenure as director of schools,” said Frazier. “His knowledge of how education systems operate is only surpassed by his heart and advocacy for the students, teachers and staff in this county. The TSBA has made a wise choice.”

TSBA also provides school board members with a collective voice in matters of legislation and public education concerns.

For more information about TSBA, visit: