School Children Make Christmas Cards for Nursing Home Residents


State officials stopped off at the Weakley County Archives in Dresden on Wednesday, December 16. During their visit, they complimented local leaders for a project that involves Dresden Elementary students who craft Christmas cards for seniors at Weakley County Nursing Home. Those pictured are (L to R): Weakley County Archives Director Amy Pullen, Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett and District 76 State Representative Tandy Darby.


DRESDEN (December 16) — According to Weakley County Archives Director Amy Pullen, the Archives provided Dresden Elementary School students with the art supplies needed to create Christmas cards for the residents at Weakley County Nursing Home.

“We plan on making it an annual event,” Pullen said. “The kids absolutely love doing it.”

She expressed her appreciation to the teachers and students who helped make the project a huge success.