Beulah Land Cowboy Church News


MARTIN (November 29) - During this time of a high number COVID cases in Weakley County, the church membership has decided to shut down for the month of December. If things change before January, the church leadership will let people know. Services will be still held online for Sunday morning and evening worship and Wednesday night Bible study on Roger-Cindy McPeak’s Facebook page.

Members are asking the community to join them in continuous prayers for the nation. November 29 marked the 13th anniversary of Beulah Land Cowboy Church. Members said they are so thankful for the Lord’s many blessings over the years. Bro. Robert Baker led the song service. Tammy Hayes, George Hagerty, Larry Dew and Eric Cantrell celebrated their birthdays last week. Specials were by Bro. Roger, Scott Jackson, Bro. Robert, Julie Baker, Ali Sproul and Olivia Haskins. Bro. Roger’s message titled, “Kindness: Real or Show,” was taken from Luke, chapter 7 and 2 Peter, chapter 1. Just remember, Jesus knows what kind of love we have in our hearts.

Sunday evening, Gary Rogers led the music. Ali Sproul and Bro. Roger provided the special, “I’ve Got a Mansion.” Bro. Robert’s message was from Matthew, chapter 7 and John, chapter 11. Building your house on the Rock, Jesus Christ, is the only way to have the right relationship with Him.

The Ladies’ Retreat is postponed until March.