Fortnightly Club Hosts Speaker Pam Harris


Pam Harris (center) was the featured speaker at the November meeting of the Fortnightly Club. She gave an informative and inspiring presentation titled, “Surviving, Thriving, and Finding Light,” about her journey in coping with macular degeneration. With her are hostesses Carolyn Gresham (left) and Vicki Exum (right).[/caption]


Club Historian

MARTIN (November 2) - The Fortnightly Club met Monday, November 2, in the Walker Barn due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members practiced social distancing and all wore masks.

Hostesses were Vicki Exum and Carolyn Gresham. Another hostess, Lisa Evans, was not able to attend due to recent surgery.

Packaged treats were served with bottled water, coke, or coffee.

Pam Harris of Martin, presented an informative and enlightening program about macular degeneration. Her theme, “Striving, Thriving, and Finding Light,” was an inspiration to all who may be beginning this disease or facing other health concerns.

She also shared with the group some technical devices that she has found useful in coping with this vision disorder.

After the presentation, a brief business meeting was led by president Susie Walker. Members voted to revise some of the Fortnightly Club by-laws.

Jo Kathryn Maddox read the minutes from the October meeting, and Carolyn James gave the treasurer’s report. Both reports were approved and the meeting adjourned. The December 7 meeting of the group will be held in the Walker Barn on Old Fulton Road in Martin.

In addition to those mentioned, the following members were present: Maggie Byars, Frances Cates, Anna Clark, Jerrie Conley, Mollie Gallien, Carol Gibson, Ann Hall, Donna Jones, Marie Nielson, Sara Sieber, Linda Slack, Barbara Trentham and Linda Wade.