Priscilla Price Chosen to Engage Dresden Community


Dresden Community Engagement Director

DRESDEN (October 2) - Priscilla Price has been named the new Community Engagement Director for the City of Dresden. Her duties include planning city events, working with local businesses and promoting economic development for the City of Dresden.

Price lives in Martin with her husband and three children. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Tennessee at Martin. She has been a part of Weakley County family most of her life.

When asked about her new position, Price said that she is excited to work with the City of Dresden, Mayor Jeff Washburn, City Recorder Jennifer Branscum and the whole team that is involved in the day-to-day operations for the city.

I am thrilled to work with the community of Dresden and all of the businesses. I am here to help! I welcome suggestions and ideas of how we can boost businesses and continue to grow our community,” she stated.

Branscum said, “I am excited to welcome Priscilla to the City of Dresden staff. She will be an asset to the community.”

Mayor Washburn likewise welcomed Price to the City of Dresden team and said he looks forward to working with and involving her in the promotion of the City of Dresden, business and economic development efforts. He noted that she will be filling a vacancy that was created in June with the resignation of the person who was previously in the position.

Contact Price at or 731-364-2270 with any comments or suggestions for community events or how the office may be of assistance in business and economic development throughout the city.