Sharon Full-Time Workers to Receive 4.0 Percent Raise


SHARON (June 22) —A public hearing and final reading of the 2020-2021 Sharon city budget was held Monday, June 22.

The meeting started with a call for any citizen to ask or comment on the proposed budget; but no one came forward.

The board discussed changes to the proposed budget, which included a pay increase for all full-time employees.

The discussion started by giving raises based on seniority. But the board decided to provide a pay increase for all full-time city employees of 3.0 percent or 4.0 percent.

On a motion by Alderwoman Ali Stalter, the board unanimously approved a 4.0 percent pay increase.

After the passage of the pay increase, Alderman Stewart Broussard stated Bill Bostwick of the Parks and Recreation Department should also receive a 4.0 percent pay increase. Bostwick was not included in the initial pay increase, as he is considered a part-time/seasonal worker. Alderman Broussard motioned for an amendment to the pay increase to include Bostwick, which the board passed 4-0.

In other news, Sharon received a Local Government Support Grant totaling $50,250.

The cities insurance received emergency relief funds of $4,440. The health insurance premium is increasing by 5.4 percent, which totals approximately $3,000 overall. The Sharon Police Department fund had an increase of $1,350 to pay for an officer to be put through the academy.

With no further items to discuss, the Sharon board approved the 2020-21 budget.